Winter School – Robotics

29 Feb by anita.tomsic

Winter School – Robotics

On February 21st and 22nd, 2024, the “Robotics Winter School” took place at II. Primary School Varaždin under the guidance of computer science teacher Ljiljana Inkret Martinčević. Participants in the workshop were students from fifth to eighth grade.

The first part of the robotics winter school involved the construction of Lego Mindstorms robots. Workshop participants received instructions in diagrams and created different types of robots: Blast, Charlie, Gelo, MVP, Tricky. Each student upgraded their robot according to their preferences, incorporating various components. The next step was coding. The students downloaded the Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor application to their computers and installed it.

The students coded from simpler programs to more complex ones. Initially, the robots moved only forward-backward and turned at specific angles. Later, they were upgraded to more complex programs or tasks. Students transferred the programs to their robots, and the robots executed their codes, performing various assigned tasks.

Robotics, as a technically challenging and imaginative discipline, is a fascinating subject, and the students of II. Primary School Varaždin thoroughly enjoyed this winter school.

Photos from the “Robotics Winter School” are provided below: